About Rover Spot

Specializing in Land Rovers Range Rovers of all years makes and models since 1999. Dealing in parts and service of Land Rover Vehicles. Have your Land Rover Diagnosed, Serviced and Repaired by Land Rover Professionals with over 15 YEARS of Land Rover Specialized Experiance with state of the art equipment for quarter of the price you would pay at the dealer. Repairs...Engine, Transmission, Fuel pump, Power steering & more...

New and used parts for all year Range Rovers, Range Rover Sports,
Discovery I & II.

- All exterior parts hoods, fenders, bumpers, doors, lights etc.
- Engines, transmissions, suspensions, drivetrain and more.
- All interior parts seats, door panels, electronics etc.
- Diagnostics and Repairs.
-State of the art diagnostic equipment.
-Check engine, Suspension faults,etc.
- Oil change, Brakes, Tuneups, and all other services.
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